Health Benefits

1. Fun Way of Losing Weight and Keeping Fit 

According to NASAs Journal of Applied Physiology, rebounding exercise is 68% more efficient than jogging.
2. Improve the Functioning of The Immune System

Boosts immunity removes toxins and help slow down the aging process, It improves the immune system by increasing the action of red bone marrow and supporting tissue repair.
3. Help to Reduce or Get Rid of Cellulite

Rebounding helps stimulate the thyroid gland to start cleaning itself and the entire lymphatic system of stored fat, also in this case the targeted fat is cellulite.
4. Fun Form of Exercise

Trampolining is fun, and there are few people who would argue otherwise. There's something about the feeling of flying that's invigorating and rewarding, and anytime you can engage in exercise that's fun, the more likely you are to stick with it.
5. Trampolines are Appropriate for People of All Fitness Levels

Even slight bouncing up and down has a beneficial effect on the body. Fitter people can jump much higher and turn it into an energetic, aerobic workout.People who are out of shape or recovering from an injury can start off very slowly.
6. Trampolines Reduce Restlessness and Alleviate Stress 

Restlessness, or the inability to relax (be still or sleep) affects people of all ages. This can be caused by anything — drinking too much caffeine, stress, physical pain, you name it.
7. Trampolines Keep You Younger Longer 

Trampolines slow down the aging process caused by the gravitational pull, counteracting the sag that often comes with aging.
8. Trampolines Help with Weight Loss

As with other forms of exercise, a well-balanced diet and regular trampolining can help with weight loss and weight maintenance 12 minutes of rebounding can burn 82 calories.
9. Trampolines Strengthen Your Muscles 

Muscle toning gives your body definition, making it look tighter throughout.
10. Reduce Body Fat and Increase Muscle to Fat Ratio

Trampoline exercise is a quick way of building muscle and losing fat.
11. Improve the General Body Balance and Posture

Improvement in balance and coordination are great results of rebounding.
12. Increase Oxygen Circulation in The Whole Body Leading to Increased Cell Energy

The NASA Journal of Applied of Physiology listed interesting finding after doing a research on trampoline exercises.
13. Social exercise

One of the greatest factors for health is social connections those with lots of it flourish while those who don't tend to flounder. 
14. Mental strengthening

The increased blood flow to the brain and greater enzyme activity that result from using a trampoline are thought to heighten mental alertness and promote faster reaction times, enhanced vision, and improved balance.
15. Improve the Cardiovascular System

Cardiovascular system functioning is improved by doing the cardiovascular exercises which increase the heart rate.

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